Friday, March 04, 2011

January 13, 2001: Marilyn Manson runs away from Daniel J Lee

Yeah, this was going to happen.

When the concert released, we were released by God to preach. And preach we did. We blasted them with the Word of God and both Grant and myself quickly drew small crowds of kids. Many of them wanted to attack us but it was as if walls were surrounding us. The devil was on a leash and could not attack us. There were a few kids who almsot got teary eyed as we preached to them. Many of them were very open.

Now, keep in mind, we were preaching at a Marlyon Manson concert. We did not get spit on, physically hit . . . nothing!!! And yet we still were just as cutting and piercing with the Word of God as ever!! Just look at what fasting and prayer can do for street preaching!! It is AMAZING!!

Eventually the security guard dispersed our crowds so we went to look for Danny and Michelle who had gone around back to pray for an oppurutnity to confront Manson himself when he slipped out.

As we wiated for Manson to show himself, we had several very fruitfuly conversations. At one point, I was so weary from the three day fast and preach that I slumped down onto a window ledge, bowed my head and shut my eyes.

A witch suddenly began to mock me. I wearily opened my eyes, prayed to the Lord to give me stregnth and began to converse with her. She was very mocking and vile but this quickly drew a crowd of young teenagers who came under some intense conviction as I saw later when I watched the video.

Tired and weary of the witch, I allowed my wife to handle her and left for the car.

We waited until 2:00am but Manson never showed his face. No one could understand why he was taking so long to come out. After we left we circled around one last time and spied Manson slipping out and bolting into his bus. We now have good reason to believe that Manson WAS SO SCARED BY THE POWER OF GOD that had manifested in us that night that he was waiting for us to leave before he came out.

Danny suspects this because he told one person what he was planning to do when Manson came out (namely to preach at him) and this person took pictures of the street preachers and then, from what I hear, went to inform Manson.

I do not doubt this because the devil was either put on a leash or VERY SCARED or BOTH that Friday night. Conviction fell on many young kids, and the devil simply had no power.

One Satanic high priest really exploded with anger during that evening at some of the street preachers. He screamed about how he wanted to kill all of us but even he was blocked from harming us. Grant wisely rebuked him and preached at him and even this vile man came under moments of intense conviction. Please pray for his conversion.

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