Monday, February 21, 2011

Ken Jones versus Jed Smock, -- week to August 9, 2002


Mr. Jones, ("Fill-in-the-Blank Lee")
: Hopefully, you don't stand with those who bomb clinics and shoot doctors.

I stand with anyone who stops an unjust aggressor from inflicting harm or death upon an innocent person (even it if was you).

I answered this yesterday, but the moderater deleted it. So, I'll try again but try to be less pointed. Try to watch the logic, PAGAN WOLF:

1. You are a human being made in God's image.
2. It'd be wrong for someone to murder you.
3. Someone would be justified in defending you with force if you are being murdered, with lethal force if necessary.
4. Fetuses are human beings made in God's image (even less worthy of capital punishment than you!).
5. It's be wrong for someone to murder a fetus (in other words, a little human being).
6. ??? (fill in the blank)

This is the critique of the church-policy-muzzled PhD Johnston against the typical national pro-life organization's hypocrisy in not talking or acting like it's real human beings being killed next door. They almost universally condemn those who would justify the use of force to save innocent babies from a legal kill.



Smock replies:

I must say, Lee, that you are a smooth. I was taken in by your flattery.

I will have to more carefully watch you. Why don't you use your name,
if you are truly expressing your convictions?

Evidently, you personally will not use violent or forceful means to rescue the little bastards, but I am concerned that some immature or mentally unbalanced individual might from your arguments assume that he does have an obligation to take such actions and become another Paul Hill. I have addressed these arguments in the past. I do not have the time to argue with your dedicated small group of radicals.

Yes, you have said repeatedly Lee, that you are against the use of violence
as a means of pro-life protest. But you have not said that you are
against the use of force or violence as a means to stop an abortists from
aborting. Are you against the use of force against an abortionist in order to stop an abortion?

(MR. Jones) My response to this, which was based on the BIBLE, is probably the reason this post has twice now been deleted. All I can say is, "What does the BIBLE say?" Reconcile, please somebody, what the Bible has to say about 'cold-blooded-murder' and the God of the Bible ordering somebody to kill a wicked, bloodthirsty person(s) as a judgment upon that person(s) who has exhausted his longsuffering. Educate the ignorant, please. Did not Jesus say that it is better than a man have a millstone hung around a man's neck and he be cast into the midst of the sea than that he should harm one of God's little ones. Should not Christians agree with Jesus on this? Is that so controversial that such agreement merits a hasty delete-click on a Christian BB? Again, that does the BIBLE say? Man shall not live by bread alone by by EVERY word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. We're not to beat brothers over the head with our democratic consensus of our innocent-blood-soaked culture, we're supposed to beat them over the head with the Bible, metaphorically-speaking once again. Please, beat away!

Muslims over backslid USA? Hmmm? What do you say about that moderator? Do you think God can use a WICKED person like bin Laden to judge a nation that has exhausted His longsuffering? Kind of makes you recall God's relationship with wicked Nebuchadnezzar in bringing Israel to the brink of despair and ultimately to repentance as slaves in a foreign land. (Of course, they were judged, in part at least, for killing their babies.)

If you want to insist that Paul Hill, for instance, is wicked like bin Laden, maybe in the context of the above you can at least admit that maybe God used him to bring judgment on those more directly worthy of it, like the shedders of innocent preborn blood, unlike bin Laden who murdered those who committed no capital offense. Theoretically, if there were more "COLD-BLOODED-MURDERERS" like Paul Hill slaying those who are the forty-hours-a-week shedders of innocent blood, maybe our land would be cleansed of our bloodguiltiness and God'll send Nebuchadnezzar home!

I'll not be pressed into admitting something that the moderator has outlawed. My posts are too good to be deleted! :-)

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