Tuesday, February 22, 2011

to January 16, 2003

Daniel's forum was hacked away. But, anything worth saving (and a lot that's not worth saving) is pretty much saved into the archives of this very feature. Spiffy, huh?

Mark's response regarding Daniel's bad family relationship:

(Matt 10:34-38) , (Lk 12:51-53) (regarding Jesus's urging of familial strife)

It was difficult to give up "christmas" with my family (and of course it hurt them), but I gave it up for the kingdom of heaven. While I have my eyes on Christ, walking in the spirit, I'll not compromise even at the cost of offending my earthly family... What about your friends? Won't they be hurt when you no longer party with them, or spend Friday nights at the strip joint as the tradition was? Of course! But take comfort, by your example you may save them.

Better yet -- celebrate Christmas by taking in a lap dance at the local strip joint! (I don't know that a = b here, Mark.)


Daniel Lee:
At this point, that hypocrite cripple who has contended with me before, showed up and began blaspheming me. I staunchly rebuked him, calling him an idiot cripple, and declaring that he was crippled because of his sin. He became so angry, he stood on his feet, tottering, wanting to punch me. But he only collapsed right back into his seat.

The large crowd grew VERY anrgy as I dealt with this arrogant cripple, and the crowd seemed to swell.


... I decided to preach in such a way that would diminish the crowd.

Interesting. Why has this line of reasoning never been mentioned before?


From Jed Smock:

I had to abort from the board a possible Army of God sympathizer. He may even be a part of the subversive group.

Interesting enough, the "aborted" Army of God sympathizer seems to be the response over here... Mr. "Who are the"... a style that I think is Chuck Spingola's.

But if you're aborting "Army of God sympathizers" (or "members" of the subversive "group"), that'd be mean the deletion of Adrian, Porcupine, and... who else?

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